The Secret Reward of Christian Fasting
Season 2, Episode #4
About this Podcast:
Though fasting has fallen out of favor in most American Christian circles, new research shows many health benefits of this ancient practice. On this special episode of the Podcast, we discuss the spiritual benefits of fasting, discuss our own fasting practice, and dive into what the Bible has to say about fasting.
This episode is focused on FASTING. We discuss:
- What is Biblical Fasting?
- Right and wrong reasons to fast
- Should all Christians fast?
- What are the benefits of fasting? What are the dangers?
- Is fasting a way to manipulate God?
- Why the modern diet makes fasting more difficult
- Glucose, Dopamine, Ketosis, and Autophagy
- What Michelle thought of David’s first fast
- How Christian fasting differs from Ramadan fasting
- The relationship between fasting and prayer
- Where do we get the idea that God likes fasting?
- When Fasting turns to Feasting
- How to get started fasting (with disclaimers!!!!)
DISCLAIMERS: We are not medical professionals. We are not your doctor. We are not giving medical advice to you as an individual. Safe and healthy fasting decisions will take into account your own health history and physical conditions. If you have a medical condition that may be impacted by fasting, consider consulting a doctor or medical professional who understands your individual case and condition. If you have struggled in the past with an eating disorder, please do not fast without supervision and accountability. We encourage listeners to do your own research about the physical benefits and risks of fasting, and also study the Scriptures as you embark on your personal practice of fasting.
Scriptures referenced in this podcast:
Daniel 1:8, Esther 4:16, Daniel 9:3, 2 Samuel 12:16, Exodus 34:28, Luke 4:1-2, Acts 13:2, Matthew 5:6, Isaiah 58, Matthew 6:16-19, Mark 2:18-20, Luke 11:9-10, Colossians 1:24, Zechariah 8:18-19
You can also listen to the Deeper Riches Podcast on iTunes, Soundcloud, Spotify, Stitcher, Castbox, TuneIn, and Google Play. Just search for “Deeper Riches Podcast.”
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"Fasting is a longing. It's a hunger. It's choosing to make your body physically hungry to remind you how hungry you are for God."
- Michelle
"When I am fasting, because I'm not thinking about feeding my body, I'm thinking about other people, and praying for them more."
- David
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