My Personal Testimony of Healing
Season 2, Episode #3
About this Podcast:
On this special episode of the Deeper Riches Podcast, Michelle shares her personal testimony of trusting God through sickness and experiencing radical healing from Graves’ Disease. The journey includes a move overseas in the middle of a global pandemic, getting sick with the coronavirus, and battling fear and anxiety. We wrestle with some of the theological and personal challenges of praying for and receiving physical healing.
In this epidose we discuss:
- Why getting covid was the best thing that happened to me in 2020.
- Battling fear and anxiety and a sickness mentality.
- What is Graves’ Disease?
- Why was it so hard to say out loud that God healed me?
- Why we have a hard time boldly asking for healing.
- If healing comes through medical means, is the healing still from God?
- The importance of public confession of healing.
- Finding my identity not in success or sickness, but in the gospel.
- The role of the Body of Christ in praying together for healing.
- Praying for healing without caveats to “protect” God’s reputation.
David’s big takeaways from this episode:
- It’s not wrong to ask for healing. Pray for one another that we might be healed.
- Sometimes God heals, and sometimes he doesn’t heal
- We should publicly thank God when He does heal.
- His not healing is not necessarily an inditement that you lack faith.
- Keep asking for healing. Do it corporately with the Body of Christ.
Scriptures referenced in this podcast:
Matthew 5:15-16
2 Corinthians 4:16
Luke 17:11-19
James 5:14
Luke 10:9
We hope this podcast will be a light of encouragement that stirs you up to love and good deeds
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Season 2 Ep3 – My Personal Testimony of Healing
On this special episode of the Deeper Riches Podcast, Michelle shares her personal testimony of trusting God through sickness and experiencing radical healing from Graves’ Disease. The journey includes a move overseas in the middle of a global pandemic, getting sick with the coronavirus, and battling fear and anxiety. We wrestle with some of the theological and personal challenges of praying for and receiving physical healing.

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