Can I Be Honest? I'm Not Fine.
You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.
Isaiah 26:3 ESV
How are you? No, really. How ARE you?
Can we just admit that nobody is “fine” right now? This is the strangest thing that has happened in any of our lives. We are living in a time of incredible uncertainty. People are losing their jobs and even their lives. Things are not “fine.”
We are unable to gather corporately in person to worship with the Body of Christ. I’m not “fine” with that.
We are unable to visit loved ones who are hospitalized, even dying. That is not “fine,” either.
Hugs from a friend and smiles from a stranger, things vital to human flourishing, are now taboo due to social distancing and face masks. We are not “fine.”
And yet, with everything in the world around us outside of our control and not as we would wish it to be, Christ is still seated on his throne. God remains sovereign over the universe, and HE is still in control. Not only has God got this, he is WITH US. EMMANUEL. His Holy Spirit dwells within his people to comfort us, to guide us, and to use us as the hands and feet of Jesus in his world for his glory.
God is not perplexed. He is not at a loss for what to do. He has not stopped being perfectly good.
I am not fine with what is happening to our world today. I am grieving. And yet, when I gaze upon God’s face, in prayer and in his Word, I am transported to a place that is better than “fine.”
My soul is meant to adore God. Just looking at him, and being reminded of who he is, that is what I need most right now. Actually, it’s what I need most even in the best of times.
Next time a friend asks you, “How are you doing?” please answer honestly. Things are not “fine” right now. But if we are looking to God instead of our circumstances we can still honestly say, “It is well with my soul. I am satisfied in God.”
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