Peace on Earth, the Lamb of God Has Come
"Conversations in Luke" : Episode 2
About this Podcast:
Conversations in Luke is a podcast of DeeperRiches.com where we enjoy a cup of coffee and a good conversation springing from our shared study of the book of Luke.
Listen to the Podcast:
Episode 02: Luke 2 with David Choe
This week we are talking about the Christmas story and the rest of the events of Luke chapter 2. Some things we discuss in this podcast:
- How the Christmas narrative in Luke emphasizes the birth of the King who is the Lamb of God
- How Jesus fulfills the Law of Moses even from infancy
- What the angels meant when they said “Peace on earth, good will to men”
- What it looks like to eagerly wait for the return of Christ
- What we learn from the story of Jesus in the temple at age 12
We hope this podcast will add a deep richness to your worship of the Risen and Coming King this Christmas!
Read Luke 2, then listen to the conversation!
Show Notes:
David mentioned the Deeper Riches Luke homework. Here is the homework for Luke chapter 2.
Listen to all episodes here.
1. This podcast is a work in progress. We need theme music. We need a producer. We need to learn to make it available in podcast apps. All that said, we are choosing to just get the content out to you without waiting for perfection. Thanks for your patience and grace!
2. This podcast is a conversation, not a prepared sermon. As such, we may or may not get to important elements of a given text. This is not about teaching the text, or even summarizing the main points of the text. It’s just an invitation to be a fly on the wall as we let our conversation wander and talk about the things on our hearts. Our shared study of the book of Luke is our jumping off place.
3. This podcast is not a replacement for a small group discussion. We hope you are studying the Word of God in community where you can share with others the insights you are gleaning from God’s word.
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