A Slice of Sunrise
Finding Contentment With My Lot
“The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.” – Psalm 19:1
As I sit here in my writing spot this morning, the sky is a gorgeous hot pink and purple. The new day is dawning. The trees are beginning to lose their leaves, so the season of watching gorgeous winter sunrises from my front window is just around the corner.
Sunrises are one of my favorite things about the colder months in Minnesota. From my cozy spot where I sit every morning with my green tea and my Bible, I can catch a slice of brilliant color. It’s different every single day.
When we moved into this house almost fourteen years ago, we thought this would be a temporary place. We only had one child, and I didn’t yet know how important nature would be to me. We did not choose a wooded lot, or a view of a lake. We don’t have a great walking path outside our door.
Our backyard is tiny, pretty much shared space with the three nearest neighbors. If I want a view, I need to pile everybody in the van and drive somewhere, not far, but still, a car is involved.
I used to envy what my neighbors have across the street. They all live on a bluff with woods and nature galore. But come winter, when all the leaves fall, I get a view of the sunrise behind their houses that filters through the bare trees with radiant majesty.
In the best part of my day, when I’m alone with the Lord in his Word and all is quiet, he gives me a little daily gift of beauty. When I see that sunrise, I am more than content with my lot, even the crowded little lot my house sits on.
It kind of gives new meaning to the line of that great hymn:
“Whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say, ‘It is well, it is well with my soul!'”
God, I know that you are everywhere and your gifts are very good. Still, sometimes it is easier for me to see what I lack than to be thankful for what I have. Help me see the gifts you have given me today. The very heavens declare your glory! So should I! Open my eyes to see you here, in this space, and teach me contentment, gratitude, and worship today. Amen.
Where do you struggle with contentment? Has God shown you a slice of his glory in that place? Share about it in the comments below.
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